Keynote speakers and talks

The One Ocean Science Congress will feature an exceptional line-up of nine keynote speakers, all leaders in ocean science.

Ocean Rights: Human and Non-Human Rights to a Healthy Ocean
Ocean Vision Legal
Multidisciplinary science is essential for understanding marine carbon dioxide removal
Ocean Acidification Program National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Evolution and Tipping Dynamics of Complex Coastal Zone Systems
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science
Blue Economy and Smart Ocean in Sustainable Developments
Xiamen University
Diverse Food Systems Support Justice and Nutrition
MaOI (Marine Open Innovation) Institute (Shizuoka, Japan)
Securing ocean life for sustainable development
Lancaster Environment Centre Lancaster University
Uncertain Future for Fish and Fisheries: A Call for Action and Adaptation
Cordio East Africa; Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Understanding Prioritized Deep-Sea Research in the Indian Ocean
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD); UMR Marine Biodiversity exploitation & conservation (Marbec)
Marine Litter: Unveiling the Encrypted Message in a Bottle
University of Oxford