
General information

The OOS Congress is committed to attracting leading scientific contributions from the global scientific community. To ensure broad participation, a participation support scheme has been put in place to support scientists from least developed, low-income and lower-middle-income countries (as defined by the OECD, see below) as well as scientists from small island developing states.

We are actively seeking funding to cover travel (economy class) and accommodation costs for selected participants from eligible countries. We are currently in discussions with various partners and awaiting confirmation of the final number of funded participants.

  • If you are chosen for funding, we will connect you directly with the partner sponsoring your travel and accommodation. Please note that, once selected, you will need to coordinate with the funding partner to finalize the management of the funds. This could involve either reimbursement of expenses or the partner covering all costs in advance.
  • Selection will be competitive. Participants will be chosen based on the quality of their submitted abstract, CV and cover letter detailing motivations to participate in the congress.
  • To apply for support, participants must be the first and presenting author of their contribution and submit an abstract by 1 November 2024, 13:00 CET. The support selection committee will notify award recipients by 14 November 2024.

Eligible countries (based on the researcher's affiliation):

Access to available funding will be prioritized for attendees from Least Developed Countries and Low-Income Countries (source: OECD). Attendees from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Lower-Middle-Income Countries will also be eligible.